The Ng Eng Teng Collection

The Ng Eng Teng Collection was added into the NUS Museum’s collection in the late 1990s, largely through a series of donations by the artist to the Museum. Comprising of over 1,200 works, ranging from sculptures, ceramic forms, maquettes, sketches, paintings, drawings and public art, it represents the most comprehensive collection of works by a single artist in Singapore, spanning over four decades.

The late Ng Eng Teng was one of Singapore’s most important artists connecting the pioneering generation to later contemporary artists.

Two of Ng Eng Teng’s works, Wealth and Contentment (1974) can be seen to the west of the main entrance to the UCC.

Accessing the collection

To access the collection directly, please apply.

Selections from this collection can also be viewed online, along with their catalogue details.