Film screenings

As a means of creating visual dialogue with audiences extrinsic to exhibition materials, film programmes are regularly hosted during the University semester and are developed in conjunction with key, ongoing exhibitions. These film screenings are typically co-developed with academics or researchers knowledgeable in their various fields of expertise, providing an additional dimension to the discussions orbiting the film.

Past Highlight

Malaya Black & White (2014)

Conceived in relation to the exhibition Camping and Tramping Through the Colonial Archive: The Museum in Malaya, film screenings were held under this banner, divided into eight sub-categories that structured the project. Maintained concurrently as an online space, it invited practitioners to explore a certain aspect of the moving image, with representations of “Malaya” taking centre stage. One particular iteration of this film series saw guest curator Ben Slater present Beyond Saint Jack, consisting of 10 films that charted Singapore’s heyday of foreign production from the mid 1960s to early 1980s.